Daily Prompt: Quirk of Habit

DSC_0480The question asked was: Which quirky habit annoys you the most, and what quirky habit do you love — in yourself, or others?

I could say the same quirky habit of Izzy The Diva’s  that annoys me the most is also one that I love.

Izzy the Diva is a pedigree Old English Sheepdog, and I’m sure that if you live in Ireland or the UK, the first image that springs to mind is that elegant supermodel who graces the Dulux advertisements – all long flowing hair and fluffy paws, looking like a perfect ornament. Key to this image is how clean the dog is.

The lovely Izzy is a true beauty but she is allergic to any form of grooming or bathing.  She is, however, very fond of wearing as much of the garden, the park and the all local badger and fox poo that she can apply to herself.  An enthusiastic helper, Izzy likes to examine all the flowerpots to ensure they are not overly filled with compost, and will remove any excess that she finds.  Another housework task she has mastered is shredding the contents of any bin she can find so mum does not have to compact her rubbish.  She also likes storing spare food in her beard.

After all this activity, her habit is to have a nice long drink of water, and then come over for a kiss and a cuddle. The sensation of a cold, wet, dribbly, compost (or worse) laden chin on your lap is not recommended, but you know what?  Izzy still gets her cuddle, how could I refuse that face?

Also found on Occasional Stuff for the Daily Prompt Challenge

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